A bit of patience Update Miles Personalise the offer

Personalise the offer

In four easy moves, enter your car data here to get offers and services just for you and your car!

{{selectedModel.saleDescription|| 'Model'}}
{{selectedEngine.description| limitTo: 22}} {{selectedEngine.Fuel.description}} Engine
{{selectedMonths.description}} Months Months
{{selectedKm.description}} Miles Miles
    {{engine.description}} {{engine.Fuel.description}}
      {{month.description}} Months
      {{km.description}} Miles

      Enter your car’s VIN and find out all the services and special offers available for your car!

      *Vehicle not found different brand genericErrorMessage

      Personalise the offer


      {{singleItem.vehicleName ? singleItem.vehicleName : singleItem.modelName}}

      Do you want to change data?

      Attention, missing warranty start date!

      If you change the model, your car will be disconnected and you will have to re-enter the data!

      We are waiting for the guarantee start date. Contact Customer Service to update the data and be able to access all the services designed for you and your car.

      Contact us

      Contact our customer service for support or assistance

      Choose how to enter the data of your vehicle and discover all the services and offers available!

      Plate or VIN code

      *Vehicle not found *Vehicle inserted is not a Alfa Romeo Brand genericErrorMessage Where is the VIN?
      CAR FOUND!
      Don’t know the plate or VIN code?
      Click here!
      Insert plate or VIN code
      Click here!

      Your car data

      {{selectedModel.saleDescription || 'Model'}}
      {{selectedMonths.description}} {{selectedMonths.year}} Car registration
      {{selectedEngine.description | limitTo: 22}} {{selectedEngine.Fuel.description}} Engine
      {{selectedKm.description}} Miles Miles Update Miles
      Fuel type

      We are retrieving your car data

      • 1 Model {{selectedModel.saleDescription}}
      • 2 Car registration {{selectedMonths.description}} {{selectedMonths.year}}
      • 3 Engine {{selectedEngine.description | limitTo: 22}} {{selectedEngine.Fuel.description}}

      Do you want to change data?

      Attention, missing warranty start date!

      If you change the model, your car will be disconnected and you will have to re-enter the data!

      We are waiting for the guarantee start date. Contact Customer Service to update the data and be able to access all the services designed for you and your car.

      Contact us

      Contact our customer service for support or assistance

      Personalise the offer

      Select you car model
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4



        Personalise the offer

        Select you car model
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
          {{engine.description | limitTo: 28}} ... {{engine.Fuel.description}}

          Personalise the offer

          • 1
          • 2
          • 3
          • 4
          {{year.year}} {{year.label}}

          Personalise the offer

          How many Miles have you already travelled?
          • 1
          • 2
          • 3
          • 4
          Remember to update your data to monitor your car





          {{dealer.ADDRESS}} , {{dealer.TOWN}} ({{dealer.PROVINCE}})

          dealerBoxTelephone {{dealer.TEL_1}}



          {{selectedDealer.ADDRESS}} , {{selectedDealer.TOWN}} ({{selectedDealer.PROVINCE}})

          dealerBoxTelephone {{selectedDealer.TEL_1}}



          Personalise the offer

          Select your car
          ... welcome
          Access myAlfaRomeo

          Register at myAlfaRomeo and discover our made to order benefits for you

          Access myAlfaRomeo

          Use your social accounts to access myAlfaRomeo’s private area


          Do you want to have offers, exclusive services and personalized content for your car?
          We’re waiting for you: register at myAlfaRomeo!

          REGISTER NOW
          Find us {{$root.selectedDealer.dealerName}}{{$root.selectedDealer.COMPANYNAM}}





          {{dealer.ADDRESS}}, {{dealer.TOWN}} ({{dealer.PROVINCE}})

          dealerBoxTelephone {{dealer.TEL_1}}



          {{selectedDealer.ADDRESS}}, {{selectedDealer.TOWN}} ({{selectedDealer.PROVINCE}})

          dealerBoxTelephone {{selectedDealer.TEL_1}}



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          Do you need information or support? Do you need a quote? Would you like to book an appointment? We’re expecting you!

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          Open the map and find the retailer closest to you! SEARCH FOR A RETAILER

          Book a service

          Risultati "{{$ctrl.q}}"

          Nessun risultato trovato "{{$ctrl.q}}"
          Forse intendevi
          Hai bisogno di aiuto?
          alfa romeo infomore

          Numero verde

          Puoi chiamare Alfa Romeo al Numero Verde dedicato 00 800 2532 0000 raggiungibile dalla maggior parte dei Paesi europei*. Dal tuo telefono puoi usare il sistema di composizione veloce 00800 digitando Alfa 00.

          *Ricordati di verificare con il tuo operatore il costo della chiamata dall’estero o da rete mobile.